

Activities of BARWODA

Activity 1

Technical Education

We have a programme of typing, and 40 have qualified and finished the course. They are on self-employment in various parts of Kasese district. More to that tailoring is been going on and 14 women have finished this course.

Activity 2

Adult Literacy

Adult literacy campaign is going ahead. Most of the women have known how to read and write. We praise our teachers who have sacrificed their time in teaching the women in voluntary basis through this programme. We have managed to target over 45 both women and men to learn how to read and write. This has been a great achievement to the group.

Activity 3

Human Rights

Currently BARWODA has 50 volunteers to man the Human Rights and domestic violence. This was done some years’ latter but the team is still doing some good sensitization to date. We trained paralegals to do domestic violence prevention measures in Lake-Katwe Sub-County with funding from the African Women's Development Fund (AWDF) based in Accra-Ghana

Activity 4

Environmental Conservation

BARWODA has grown up to 500 trees. The problem encountered during this campaign is financial to purchase more tree plantlets. We plan to grow trees in Kahokya. The climatic conditions in Kahokya village, Kahokya parish, Lake-Katwe sub-county are temperate grassland. There is need to conserve environment and combined efforts is required to conserve the environment. All these are from the members' contributions.

Activity 4


BARWODA is carrying out community health with the village development council in Kahokya village and the parish development committee of Kahokya. This is done fourth the whole year. The purpose of this programme looks at personal hygiene and sanitation at household level. There has been counselling among the children with difficult circumstances in Kisinga and Lake-Katwe sub-counties. We have also established MaliMali Medical Centre-Kyarumba carrying out both